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Princeton University’s WordNet defines the word elitist as “someone who believes in rule by an elite group.” It defines an elite group as “a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status.” It defines elitism as “the attitude that society should be governed by an elite group of individuals.” Although the term elite used as a noun referring to a single person is not defined in the dictionaries, we will define an elite as “an elitist who considers himself/herself to be a member of an elite group.”


Basically, an elitist is someone who believes in the fiction that some people are superior to others and deserve coercive powers that the others don’t have. This person’s attitude–this elitism–is just the opposite of the attitude embodied by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. The overwhelming majority of the people who voluntarily immigrated to the United States did so to escape elitism.


Historically, elitism has found its highest expression in absolute monarchies, dictatorships like Venezuela and Iran, fascist governments like Nazi Germany, and communist governments like the former Soviet Union, pre-entrepreneurial China, North Korea, and Cuba. Wherever there is tyranny, it is the elites who bring it on. Freedom and prosperity, on the other hand, abound where elitism is squelched.


The notion that some people are superior to others is fictional. It goes against the very framework that modern elitists so often hold up to justify their actions: evolution. By the theory of evolution every living person is a product of natural selection and has inherited an ability to survive that succeeded for generations before. No one can guess who is better adapted to survival until generations have passed and the results begin to become clear. Elitists who pretend to know who is superior and who is not are more likely than not con artists, perhaps even conning themselves.


When the Constitution was written, evolution did not exist as a theory, but religion had come to the same conclusion. The Ten Commandments, basic in one form or another to most successful religions, include the commandment that people shall not play God. People should not pretend to know who is superior–who will be blessed with survival and have many generations of offspring or who will leave a lasting influence, or spirit. Founded on this notion the Constitution seeks to grant all citizens equal rights and to keep elitists from taking power.


Basic to elitism is the idea that the chosen ones should prescribe one-size-fits-all regulations for the rest of the people. But one size does not fit all. For most people it is a straightjacket. The elites, acting on their fictitious beliefs, hyperactively enact regulations that constrain people with unique and varied talents from using those talents for the betterment of themselves and the betterment of society.


Why do they do this? The psychological deformities that lead to elitism are many. Some people grow up being told by their parent or parents that they are special. If they should turn out as adults to be unable or unwilling to do anything useful in the private sector that merits the expected rewards from others, some of these people gravitate toward elite government careers as a means for forcing people to treat them with special respect.


Some people may perceive themselves as having been discriminated against or unfairly treated by certain people. They may seek elite government power to get even.


Some people may have strong verbal skills and an ability to con people into doing things against their own self-interests. Perhaps this ability comes with a concurrent inability to do anything of value (see “Money–What It Is and How To Get It”) with the hands or the brain. Such people are prime candidates for elite government work.


Some people have an inordinate appetite for riches and fame and very little empathy for other people. Elitism is just a part of their competitive game.


Some people whom we know have all of these ailments.


In any case, it is unfortunate that we regular people end up, more often than not, being ruled by the mentally ill. This will always be a problem so long as government is needed. Government attracts elites like flies. The only solution so far is to enable the citizenry to reduce the size and power of government to the minimum necessary to keep crime under control, to enforce contractual agreements, and to provide a common defense against foreign elitists.


Elitism is arguably the root of all evil in governance. Eliminating it entirely would likely do nothing but improve the world.


As we all know, elitism is not limited to government. There are corporations and special interests galore that are clamoring to gain special privileges. The only way they can gain undeserved privileges without criminal coercion is to use the government as a tool for legal coercion. Monopolies become monopolies by working with the government to get regulations in place to impede competition. Big unions gain monopoly power, as well, that is sustained through government-legislated constraints. These elitist organizations produce economic inefficiencies and divert rewards away from their rightful recipients. The only way to take away the undeserved power of elitist organizations is to shrink the size of government and remove its web of counterproductive constraints on competition. Fortunately, most of the legislation producing these constraints is patently unconstitutional (see “What is Unconstitutional?”), and removing the legislation is simply a matter of forcing the government to obey the Constitution. This is the Equalizer Amendment’s specialty.


It is important to note that, with all of the technological innovation that has occurred over the last several decades and the productivity improvements it has made possible, our standard of living and our wealth should have grown to at least double what it is now. However, the elitists have managed to metastasize their straightjackets, their regulations, their interference, at a pace just slow enough to keep us from feeling the disease. They have tapped the fruits of our advancements as they ripen, so that we that we end up having little reward for our efforts. As a result, a sudden release from the elitist restrictions could cause our economy to boom like never before as it moves to catch up to where it could have been. Get rid of elitism and its unconstitutional regulations, and the rewards will be tremendous: no more deficit, no more unemployment problem, little or no poverty, restored international leadership, a cleaner environment.


How can you tell if a person is an elitist or not? Answer: If a person claims not to support the intent of the Equalizer Amendment, or if a person claims to support it but by his/her actions impedes it, then that person is an elitist.


The Equalizer Amendment has been crafted to give us the power to combat elitism. The elitists will fight tooth and nail to keep it from being passed. However, we vastly outnumber the elitists, and we can prevail if only we join together with the determination to smash through their defenses.


"There is no distinctly native American criminal class save Congress."

-- Mark Twain

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